Immanuel Prayer Ministry Appointments

The Immanuel Prayer Ministry is overseen by Pastors Kent and Cathy Larson and a team of trained facilitators.

Immanuel Prayer is a simple, interactive connection with the living presence of Jesus. In a facilitated 90 minute Immanuel Prayer session you may experience:

Deeper intimacy and secure attachment with Jesus in positive memories

Clarification of your

Resolution of painful life experiences in a non-traumatizing way

Reframing of your life stories with God's perspective

Guidance on your
life direction

What Is Immanuel Prayer?

Immanuel prayer is a simple model of heart healing led by Jesus with a trained facilitator coaching you through the process. The focus is on relational connection with Jesus a positive memory of appreciation, joy, or peace. You will then be coached to look for the presence of God in the positive memory. He gently leads and guides you to the deep places in your heart that need healing without bringing further trauma. Every session is concluded by coaching you back to your positive memory connection.

The Immanuel prayer process was birthed through the ministries of Christian psychiatrist Dr. Karl Lehman M.D. and psychologist/theologian Dr. James Wilder Ph.D. and involves how the brain processes both trauma and relationship in our memories. Trauma is defined as any painful experience that has not been successfully processed and often occurs when you have felt alone in your painful experiences. Connecting with God’s presence in a positive memory (and not starting in the pain) creates the capacity to adequately process and metabolize pain. The Immanuel process was born out of this understanding. (See and

Set Up An Appointment

An Immanuel prayer session is about an hour and a half long. In-person and zoom options are available.

Set Up An Appointment

An Immanuel prayer session is about an hour and a half long. In-person and zoom options are available.

What to Expect in an Immanuel
Prayer Appointment

What to Expect in an Immanuel Prayer Appointment

Below are some typical, basic steps of the Immanuel Prayer process:

The facilitator will pray an opening prayer asking the Lord to bring to mind a positive memory or a time when you felt close to God.

Based on this positive memory, you will be encouraged to pray a prayer of appreciation for this moment and what you appreciate about the Lord. For example, “Lord, thank you for the gift of this moment, you are so kind, good, faithful, etc.”

You will continue to be coached to directly connect with the Lord. He is Immanuel… God with you. He has never left you. He is present and always with you. Notice where He is with you in your memory and in the present moment. The Holy Spirit is faithful to reveal Jesus to you and share His heart with you.

You will be encouraged to ask Jesus directly what He wants you to know, or what His good plans are for your healing today.